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Course 8- Evaluating Your Measures

After you know what you need to span class="blue-word">protect and how to protect such items, you can determine the difference between what you need and what you currently have deployed in place.

When it comes to software/hardware and Cybersecurity, think about the following questions for each device:

Think before you share, think before you post:

I cannot emphasize the IMPORTANCE of sharing your information carefully.

People often willingly overshare information when asked for it.

Yes, you and me included.

Even if you don’t believe that a party asking about you for personal data would ever abuse the information that is collected about you, as the number of parties that have private information about you increases, and as the quantity and quality of that data grows, the odds rise that you will suffer a privacy violation due to a data breach occurring somewhere.

If you want to improve your privacy, the first thing to do is to consider what information you may be disclosing about yourself and your loved ones before you disclose it. If you do not need to provide private information, don’t. The less private information that is, “out there”, and the fewer places it resides, the lower the risk to you of a privacy compromise.

Consider the implications of any social media post before making it - there could be adverse consequences of many sorts.

For example, criminals can leverage shared information about a person’s family relationships, place of employment, and interests as part of identity theft and to social engineer their way into your accounts.

Keep in mind, oversharing is not limited to social- networks. Oversharing information via chat, email, group chats, and so on is a serious modern day problem as well.

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